All Stars Will Align

20 Apr | Written By Hailey Ng

Hailey 12 years ago vs Hailey today

Ever felt like you’re racing against an invisible clock, only to realise maybe you’re not off track but right where you need to be?

Growing up, I had a clear vision of who I would be by the age of 24. This version of me was sharp, self-assured; someone who had her act together. Fast forward to the present, I find myself in a place quite different from where I imagined. And frankly, I feel a deep, nagging anxiety — the fear of not living up to society’s expectations, or worse, those set by my younger self.

One of the most challenging parts of this journey is trusting that the actions I take are moving me towards something bigger. It’s tough to believe in the significance of the daily grind, especially when the path is unmarked and the destination feels far away.

When I first started telling myself, “It’s okay to not be where you thought you’d be,” there was a part of me that didn’t believe it. Was I concocting a story to mask the disappointment? Was I lying to myself just to keep my spirits up?

In hindsight, maybe I was. And perhaps, I still am. But either way, it’s been keeping me sane — and maybe that’s all that matters right now. During those tougher days filled with self-doubt, I repeat to myself: “All stars will align, and my timing will come.”

Accepting that I haven’t reached where I want to be doesn’t mean I won’t get there. It simply means my journey is taking a different path — one that requires patience and a commitment to growth; one small step at a time, 1% every day. By focusing on this incremental progress towards my goals, I remind myself that I am indeed moving forward, at my own pace, on my own distinct path. I will eventually get to where I hope to be, as long as I keep moving.

A recent conversation with a friend really drove this point home: “Everything eventually works out, and I’m sure you’ll do amazing things in life. Just keep at it and enjoy the stage you’re in. There’s no place like the present.” Suddenly, it wasn’t just my own voice trying to convince me anymore. Hearing it from someone else made it feel real. I began to see that maybe the present has its own worth, not just as a stepping stone to the future but as a chapter worth experiencing in its own right.

Now, as I continue to navigate my mid-twenties, I hold onto the belief that my journey is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. With each passing day, I’m learning to appreciate the present. Each day is a step forward, a piece of a larger puzzle I’m slowly piecing together.

By sharing my story, I hope to connect with anyone else feeling this tension between where they are and where they thought they’d be. If you’re there right now, remember: you are not alone, and every phase of your journey, including this one, holds its own significance and beauty.

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